NB-IoT Ultrasonic Water Meter


NB-IoT ultrasonic water meter is used for measuring water flow rate in the pipe. which send meter data to server via wireless NB-IoT network.


NB-IoT ultrasonic water meter is used for measuring water flow rate through pipe via wireless NB-IoT network upload water consumption

The whole NB-IoT ultrasonic meter reading system consists of ultrasonic water meter, and monitoring management software. The management center can read and monitor water meter accumulated water consumption, instantaneous water flowrate info by NB-IoT network directly.

NB-IoT water meter can configure 3 days to upload for each month, and in these three days, each day can set 2 time periods to bring device online, and the user can configure time according to the need. During online time, management center can read real-time accumulated water consumption